commit 8ef7208d4049c6e76fe5b3c1ed292d78b3d1e02f
Author: archiveanon <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 01:21:37 +0000
Initial commit
11 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.justfile b/.justfile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ruff check src
+ mypy -p src
+ ruff check src --select I001 --fix
+ ruff format src
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+name = "autotako"
+description = "Automated archive distribution."
+version = "0.0.1"
+dependencies = [
+ "aiohttp ~= 3.11.10",
+ "microdot ~= 2.0.7",
+ "msgspec ~= 0.19.0",
+requires-python = ">= 3.11"
+autotako = ""
+dev = [
+ "mypy == 1.9.0",
+ "ruff == 0.3.7",
+build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
+requires = [
+ 'setuptools',
+line-length = 96
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import json
+import pathlib
+import microdot # type: ignore
+import microdot.jinja # type: ignore
+import mistune
+import msgspec
+import rfeed # type: ignore
+from . import database, job_render
+from .config import AppConfig, config_ctx
+def _sizeof_fmt(num: int | float, suffix: str = "B") -> str:
+ #
+ for unit in ("", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"):
+ if abs(num) < 1024.0:
+ return f"{num:3.2f}{unit}{suffix}"
+ num /= 1024.0
+ return f"{num:.2f}Yi{suffix}"
+def create_app():
+ # TODO implement
+ app = microdot.Microdot()
+ microdot.jinja.Template.initialize(
+ pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "templates", enable_async=True
+ )
+ microdot.jinja._jinja_env.filters["byteformat"] = _sizeof_fmt
+ config_filepath = pathlib.Path("config.toml")
+ config = msgspec.toml.decode(config_filepath.read_bytes(), type=AppConfig)
+ config_ctx.set(config)
+ database.setup_database(pathlib.Path("database.db3"))
+ @app.get("/")
+ async def index(request):
+ return await microdot.jinja.Template("index.html").render_async(message="hello")
+ async def process_job(request):
+ return ""
+ app.mount(, url_prefix="/render")
+ @app.get("/feed")
+ async def sample_feed(request):
+ job = json.loads(pathlib.Path("sample.json").read_text("utf8"))
+ description = await microdot.jinja.Template("").render_async(
+ job=job, author_override=None
+ )
+ item = rfeed.Item(
+ title=job["title"],
+ author=job["author"],
+ description=mistune.html(description),
+ )
+ feed = rfeed.Feed(
+ title="",
+ description="= w=)b",
+ link="",
+ items=[item],
+ )
+ return feed.rss(), {
+ "Content-Type": "application/xml",
+ }
+ return app
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--host", default="")
+ parser.add_argument("--port", default=5000)
+ parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ app = create_app()
+, args.port, args.debug)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from contextvars import ContextVar
+import msgspec
+class ChannelConfig(msgspec.Struct):
+ id: str
+ name: str | None = None
+class TorrentConfig(msgspec.Struct):
+ trackers: list[list[str]]
+class QBittorrentConfig(msgspec.Struct):
+ host: str
+ username: str
+ password: str
+ # defaults to the directory containing the files
+ # override if acting on a remote
+ default_save_path: str | None = None
+class AppConfig(msgspec.Struct):
+ moombox_url: str
+ torrent: TorrentConfig
+ channels: list[ChannelConfig] = msgspec.field(name="channel", default_factory=list)
+ qbittorrent: QBittorrentConfig | None = None
+ def get_channel_config_by_id(self, channel_id: str) -> ChannelConfig | None:
+ for channel in self.channels:
+ if == channel_id:
+ return channel
+ return None
+config_ctx: ContextVar[AppConfig] = ContextVar("config")
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import pathlib
+import sqlite3
+from contextvars import ContextVar
+# holds the database context so it can be used across modules without circular imports
+database_ctx: ContextVar[sqlite3.Connection] = ContextVar("database")
+def setup_database(database_path: pathlib.Path):
+ database = sqlite3.connect(database_path)
+ database.execute(
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gofile_tokens "
+ "(job_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, token TEXT, folder_id TEXT, url TEXT)"
+ )
+ database.execute(
+ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gofile_files "
+ "(job_id TEXT NOT NULL, filepath TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(job_id) REFERENCES gofile_tokens(job_id))"
+ )
+ database.commit()
+ database_ctx.set(database)
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+def main():
+ # TODO implement
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/src/autotako/ b/src/autotako/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import asyncio
+import datetime
+import pathlib
+import gofile.api # type: ignore
+import httpx
+import microdot # type: ignore
+import qbittorrentapi # type: ignore
+import torf # type: ignore
+from .config import config_ctx
+from .database import database_ctx
+app = microdot.Microdot()
+background_tasks = set()
+upload_tasks: dict[pathlib.Path, asyncio.Task] = {}
+def stream_display_date(dt: datetime.datetime) ->
+ """
+ Given the stream start time, returns a display date.
+ If the stream start time is within the last 10 minutes of the day, we treat the next day
+ as the stream date instead based on the assumption that the streamer has a waiting screen
+ set up.
+ """
+ end_of_day = (23, 50)
+ return + datetime.timedelta(days=1 if (dt.hour, dt.minute) >= end_of_day else 0)
+async def get_moombox_job_by_id(jobid: str) -> dict | None:
+ config = config_ctx.get()
+ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
+ result = await client.get(f"{config.moombox_url}/status")
+ for job in result.json():
+ if job["id"] == jobid:
+ return job
+ return None
+async def gofile_upload_and_persist(
+ cursor, upload_file: pathlib.Path, job_id: str, token: str, folder_id: str
+ with"rb") as upload_filereader:
+ await gofile.api.upload_single(upload_filereader, token, folder_id)
+ database = database_ctx.get()
+ cursor = database.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO gofile_files VALUES (?, ?)",
+ (job_id, str(upload_file)),
+ )
+ database.commit()
+async def do_gofile_upload(job: dict):
+ """
+ Prepares a guest upload for the specific job's output files, then returns the folder URL
+ while the uploads are running in the background.
+ This operation is idempotent; if it is interrupted, running this function will only upload
+ files that weren't already.
+ """
+ database = database_ctx.get()
+ known_files = set()
+ for known_file, *_ in database.execute(
+ "SELECT filepath FROM gofile_files WHERE job_id = ?", (job["id"],)
+ ):
+ known_files.add(pathlib.Path(known_file))
+ pending_files = set(map(pathlib.Path, job["output_paths"])) - known_files
+ token = None
+ folder_id = None
+ gofile_url = None
+ cursor = database.cursor()
+ cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT token, folder_id, url FROM gofile_tokens WHERE job_id = ?", (job["id"],)
+ )
+ job_token_info = cursor.fetchone()
+ if job_token_info:
+ token, folder_id, gofile_url = job_token_info
+ else:
+ # get the smallest file to quickly get the upload result
+ pending_file = min(pending_files, key=lambda p: p.stat().st_size)
+ if pending_file in upload_tasks:
+ # another task is uploading the same file; just block until that one is available
+ upload = await upload_tasks[pending_file]
+ token, folder_id, gofile_url = (
+ upload.result.guest_token,
+ upload.result.parent_folder,
+ upload.result.download_page,
+ )
+ else:
+ with"rb") as fo:
+ upload_tasks[pending_file] = gofile.api.upload_single(fo)
+ upload = await upload_tasks[pending_file]
+ token, folder_id, gofile_url = (
+ upload.result.guest_token,
+ upload.result.parent_folder,
+ upload.result.download_page,
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO gofile_tokens VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (job["id"], token, folder_id, gofile_url),
+ )
+ cursor.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO gofile_files VALUES (?, ?)",
+ (job["id"], str(pending_file)),
+ )
+ database.commit()
+ pending_files.discard(pending_file)
+ # upload any remaining files in the background
+ for pending_file in pending_files:
+ # don't double-dip and upload an in-progress file
+ if pending_file in upload_tasks:
+ continue
+ upload_tasks[pending_file] = asyncio.create_task(
+ gofile_upload_and_persist(cursor, pending_file, job["id"], token, folder_id)
+ )
+ return gofile_url
+async def show_job(request, jobid):
+ job = await get_moombox_job_by_id(jobid)
+ if not job:
+ return "Couldn't find matching job", 404
+ config = config_ctx.get()
+ channel = config.get_channel_config_by_id(job["channel_id"])
+ stream_time = (
+ datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(job["scheduled_start_datetime"])
+ if "scheduled_start_datetime" in job and job["scheduled_start_datetime"]
+ else
+ )
+ torrent_output_dir = pathlib.Path("torrents")
+ torrent_output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ display_date = stream_display_date(stream_time)
+ display_date_str = display_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ torrent_name = f"[{display_date_str}] Unarchived Karaoke ({job['video_id']})"
+ render_kwargs = {}
+ if job["output_paths"]:
+ torrent_file = torrent_output_dir / f"{job['id']} ({job['video_id']}).torrent"
+ source_files = list(map(pathlib.Path, job["output_paths"]))
+ save_path = str(source_files[0].parent)
+ if not torrent_file.exists():
+ t = torf.Torrent(
+ trackers=config.torrent.trackers,
+ )
+ # TODO extract key phrases from title / description
+ t.filepaths = source_files
+ # note that the name also sets the subdirectory for the files
+ # as such, using other names for the same files *will* change the infohash
+ = torrent_name
+ success = await asyncio.to_thread(t.generate)
+ if not success:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to generate torrent")
+ t.write(torrent_file)
+ t.write(torrent_output_dir / f"{torrent_name}.torrent")
+ # TODO punt file to remote
+ # send torrent to qbittorrent for seeding
+ if config.qbittorrent:
+ if config.qbittorrent.default_save_path:
+ save_path = config.qbittorrent.default_save_path
+ qbt_client = qbittorrentapi.Client(
+ username=config.qbittorrent.username,
+ password=config.qbittorrent.password,
+ )
+ task = asyncio.create_task(
+ asyncio.to_thread(
+ qbt_client.torrents_add,
+ torrent_files=torrent_file,
+ save_path=save_path,
+ content_layout="NoSubfolder",
+ is_paused=True,
+ )
+ )
+ background_tasks.add(task)
+ task.add_done_callback(background_tasks.discard)
+ else:
+ t =
+ print(t)
+ print(t.magnet(size=False))
+ print(t.files)
+ # TODO punt file to remote
+ render_kwargs["magnet_url"] = t.magnet(size=False)
+ # punt files to gofile
+ render_kwargs["gofile_url"] = await do_gofile_upload(job)
+ return await microdot.jinja.Template("").render_async(
+ job=job,
+ if channel else None,
+ stream_time=stream_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ") if stream_time else "(unknown)",
+ **render_kwargs,
+ )
diff --git a/src/autotako/templates/index.html b/src/autotako/templates/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
+ <title>Hello!</title>
+ <style type="text/css">.body { width: auto; }</style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ {{ message }}
+ </body>
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/autotako/templates/ b/src/autotako/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Archive of {{author_override or}}'s stream on {{job.scheduled_start_datetime}}.
+Original URL:{{job.video_id}}
+Torrent: {{magnet_url}}
+Gofile (expires after download inactivity): {{gofile_url}}
+Number of fragments: {{job.manifest_progress.values() | sum(attribute="video_seq") + 1}}
+### Detailed QC report:
+{% for broadcast, progress in job.manifest_progress.items() %}
+- `{{broadcast}}` ({{progress.video_format.qualityLabel}}):
+ - Fragments: {{progress.video_seq + 1}} video, {{progress.audio_seq + 1}} audio
+ - Raw download size: {{(progress.total_downloaded or 0) | byteformat}} ({{"{:,}".format(progress.total_downloaded or 0)}} bytes)
+ - Muxed output size: {{(progress.output.total_size or 0) | byteformat}} ({{"{:,}".format(progress.output.total_size or 0)}} bytes)
+ - Output duration: {{(progress.output.out_time or "Not muxed").split(".") | first}}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if job.manifest_progress | length > 1 -%}
+WARN: Fragments may overlap on multi-broadcast videos, or if unlucky, some portions may be missing entirely.
+Ideally the operator is available to manually process the raw download into a single video.
+{%- endif %}